From Discomfort to Wonder

Rain, rain, go away

Yesterday, I found myself really happy with the temperature – something cool and pleasant – but also feeling damp all over, as if nothing was ever going to feel dry again. At that point it hit me that “perfect” weather is rare. It is always a little too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry. And we talk about weather all the time because it is always changing.

THEN it hit me that humans have an ideal lifespan to always be bothered by the weather.

Mayflies spend all but one day of their lives in larval form. When they emerge one morning, the weather is what it is. They have no reference to compare it to. Weather is like a river or a tree – it is just there. At sunset they die, having spent their daylong lifetime doing all their mayfly things and never thinking once about temperature or precipitation.

If we had a lifespan of three thousand years, one day’s weather would feel inconsequential; I think it would flatten out – less noticeable than the prism in the spray of a garden hose. With a 3000-year lifespan, our day is now an hour, our month is a day. You’d hit all the seasons every week …. there’s probably just not much to say. It’s Tuesday, remember your umbrella.

Why is it that we live at the perfect speed to be subjected to a constant awareness of weather?

Indeed, O Brother, if we ponder each created thing, we shall witness a myriad perfect wisdoms and learn a myriad new and wondrous truths.

baha’u’llah, the seven valleys


Thanks for reading along.

See you tomorrow.


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