Having Hope

Be thou ever hopeful, for the bounties of God never cease to flow….

There was some excellent news last month that I forgot to share. One-Eyed Willie, the lonesome gander, found a wife! Now the news is even better (and I have a photo to share)

Willy and his wife are about to become parents. Willy was such a lonesome sad sack, that good news for him is like a thumbs up to all of us.


Actually, the theme of the post seems to be Yound-Un’s. Lots of them this time.

Baby JoyceLee is getting bigger.

Today she rolled herself from back to tummy for the first time ever. Cousin Kenn in Japan who is a month older is starting to scoot.around.

We got three lambs. Here’s one of them

Junia says that the three lambs are really frisky now and jumping all over..

I was quite plased that Keith started doing yard work with Junia.

Every child is potentially the light of the world–and at the same time its darkness; wherefore must the question of education be accounted of the highest importance….

Happy glimpses of some education working.


I finished the quilts for my two grandsons in Hawaii, and just found out they are expecting a baby sister….. so more work before these get shipped off.


Austin insisted I come out to photograph something of tremendous import a few days ago. His volacano.

I trust you understood the air quotes around “volcano”.


This is the first day of Asma – the month of Names. No Holy Days this month. I managed Feast by Zoom last month, but not this month. it’s such a slow process for me.. I’m finding it had not to be in a slump – but looking at the joyous things around is certainly a help.

May you all be well. I hope to check back with you in another 19 days.


Hanging in There

The only sight this month that made me want to take a photo was of this detached coconut rib hanging way above my head. It was the picture of how we are feeling. Everybody is both hanging by a thread and has problems hanging over their heads.

This might not look like the Sword of Damocles. Ok, it’s not a sword. It’s a Warclub of Damocles.


I was so happy and excited that we were able to meet for Feast (meeting on the first day of each Baha’i month) on Zoom for the first time ever, that I forgot all about this blog. One loyal reader commented on last month’s blog today – and that is the only reason I remembered.

You know the old saw: if you want something done, ask a busy man. Well, I’ve gone very idle and very soft in lockdown, and am not getting anything done.


Austin is still a busy man. He brought up a basket of ducklings to the house.

A few day ago he traded seven of them for two large crates of tomatoes. Another day he traded a dozen eggs for lots of long beans. There are little kids in that house and they were out of meat, so we were really happy to have eggs for them.


Yesterday was the the first day of Kalimat / Perfection. It’s a goal.

Be patient for they Lord is patient.
